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 Let me ask you something…

How often do you stuff down your emotions? 

It's a common human pattern to deny and “stuff” anything we think we can't handle down. We do it to protect ourselves. You've done it, I've done it; people do it on a daily basis.

The truth is that denial doesn’t fix anything. 

We have money challenges because we don't want to address the issues and beliefs we have about money. 

We have weight issues because we push down the feelings we have about ourselves and our bodies.

We suffer from physical pain because we don't address traumatic events or deep-seated issues from our childhood.

It is the world within - namely your thoughts, feelings and imagery - that makes your world without.

While ignoring your emotions and memories may be less painful in the short term, the long-term devastation can be overwhelming.

Toxic emotions need to be cleared and released bringing us to a higher and a more beneficial frequency. Emotion--energy in motion--needs to flow.

The challenge? 

Most people are unaware of how to clear toxic feelings attached to their past; how to overcome old habits; and most important of all how to consciously use their Imagination, the Power of Belief and the Universal Healing Principle.

Conscious Manifestation enables you to harness the power of your mind to improve all facets of your life. It activates your inner magnetic power to convert dreams and hopes into achievements.

Working with Melissa Zollo to become a Conscious Manifestator will enable you to heal your own mind, change the stream of your mental thought and imagery and open the door to the riches of the Infinite.

Now is the time to align with your unlimited power and use the Law of Belief to create:  

  • harmonious relationships

  • gainful employment

  • financial well-being

  • improved health

  • creative fulfillment

  • spiritual connection

Melissa offers a wide range of services and is available to customize sessions to your needs.

She has also made numerous media appearances. Click on the links above if you would like to find out more about the individual services Melissa offers and how she can help you.

Whichever service you are interested in, you will:

  • Benefit from the experience of someone with a 40-year successful track record who has helped thousands of people

  • Be in a non-judgmental, safe environment which allows for deep healing and transformation to occur

  • Resolve the unfinished business of your past

  • Receive the understanding, compassion and kindness of someone who is familiar with very painful experiences

  • Build an attitude of “the better it gets the better it gets”

  • Lift your vibrational frequencies to help you attract what you want

  • Learn to take an emotional stance of joyfully expecting something until it happens

  • And you can expect to receive homework between sessions, because that’s where the real shifts happen!

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Now is the time to know how to heal and support yourself.

Get in touch with Melissa today, and begin to…